
Fur Babies

Fur Babies

We all knew that Halloween wasn’t going to be the same this year so I wasn’t expecting any tricking but little did I know there was going to be some treating!

A Fresh Start

A Fresh Start

People always seem to wait for something big to happen before they believe a change is in order. Starting with the introduction of my current life motto, let me show you how that change has happened within me.

Leaving For Tomorrow What We Can Do Today

Leaving For Tomorrow What We Can Do Today

Between nothingness and nothingness there is a fleeting infinity we like to call Everything. In this Everything, there’s life that due to its size is practically insignificant, yet even just a single being is capable of feeling all kind of emotions, moreover doing something that can transform somebody else’s perspective. A year ago, my mom told me she was going to the supermarket and only a minute after she had left, I heard my bunny, Aston, make a peculiar noise,…

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How to Budget Your Time

How to Budget Your Time

If we have a budget for our money, why shouldn’t we have a budget for our time? As the saying goes “Time is Money”, so we might as well treat it as such and budget it. Considering that we’re all given 24 hours in a day, everyday, there are people that are rich in time, while there are others that are time broke. What does it mean to be rich in time? Well, I would consider being rich in time…

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Falling Apart

Falling Apart

Falling Apart Back in January, I had a plan and expectations of how 2020 was going to be a better year than 2019, magnifying what had been a period of intense personal growth for me- but now? Now I’m doing pretty similar things but the way I’m going about doing them is pretty different, to say the least. My flight back from Ghana landed at JFK International Airport in New York on January 28th; I had just come back from…

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