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Tag: Growth

Falling Apart

Falling Apart

Falling Apart Back in January, I had a plan and expectations of how 2020 was going to be a better year than 2019, magnifying what had been a period of intense personal growth for me- but now? Now I’m doing pretty similar things but the way I’m going about doing them is pretty different, to say the least. My flight back from Ghana landed at JFK International Airport in New York on January 28th; I had just come back from…

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This year

This year

It’s late January of 2020. Despite the unrelenting Midwestern snow and bleak days punctuated by an impenetrable gray sky, things are looking bright for me. I’m coming off an academically successful semester, have quickly ascended the ranks of my university’s newspaper, and have just landed an editorial internship with a publisher in Minneapolis. The seemingly endless stream of success drives me forward with quiet intensity. Within the next few weeks, I’m easily handling 18 credits, 20 hours of work a…

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The wait

The wait

It’s a beautiful day, I’m at the park enjoying my fifteen minutes in between online classes. I look at the fish in the pond nearby, I pay attention to the birds that never stop chirping, I watch other people and imagine what their life is like. I’m waiting. As Jason Farman explores in Delayed Response: The Art of Waiting from the Ancient to the Instant World. Waiting, as represented by silences, gaps, and distance, allows us the capacity to imagine…

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